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Accueil > Tous les forums > Itinéraires > Need help and advices to prepare bike tour on France

Need help and advices to prepare bike tour on France

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[21 posts] - Le 05/03/2017 16:18

Warm greetings from cyclists of Russia!
This summer (approx. from 15.06.2017) our group of 4 people would like to visit France by bicycles from Toulouse to Bayeux or vice versa.
We have bicycles touring (hybrid) 28" with bags Ortlieb. So, asphalt is the best for us but light off-road is no problem too.
Duration: ~ 3 weeks
Overnights: B&B, chambres d'hôtes, tents...
The project of our track is the following
There are total ~2.100 km but we would like to cut distance till 1.200 - 1.400 km.
That's why we have to exclude not much interesting places... to take some parts by train etc.
We already visited last years Toulouse, Caen, Nantes and castels of Loire.
Which places are necessary to go/see and which ones are not? Maybe you can advise us any special places which we have forgotten to add to our list?
Thank you very much in advance for understanding and help.

[6964 posts] - Le 06/03/2017 11:24


Sorry but I think that you will not have a lot of answer on our forum. We are a website dedicated to the Mountain Bike and not roads and cycleways at all.


[21 posts] - Le 07/03/2017 06:44

Could you please advice any other forum where I can place my post and get more answers?

[6964 posts] - Le 07/03/2017 07:28

Maybe Velovert, but I am sorry but I am monomaniac of MTB 🤭

Le ded
[7652 posts] - Le 07/03/2017 09:55

hi, is a good forum.
You should create a thread with a login.
Have a good trip. 😉

[21 posts] - Le 17/03/2017 08:21

Le ded a dit :hi, is a good forum.
You should create a thread with a login.
Have a good trip. 😉

OK. Thanks a lot. I am there already 😄

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